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October 2019: Awarded LRPS

LRPS Hanging Plan DD 8X10.jpg

In October 2019 I was awarded the Licentiate of the Royal Photographic Society (LRPS). This is the 'entry level' distinction, requiring a submission of 10 photographs that are carefully scrutinised by a panel of five distinguished RPS judges. The panel needs to show variety of approaches and techniques (but not necessarily subject matter), creativity and a high technical standard consistent with the Licentiate level. The panel can be submitted as a set of 10 matted prints, or as projected digital images. 

The panel is presented to the judges in a hanging plan. This plan is commonly referred to as the '11th image', as it is scrutinised at the same level as each individual image. The judges not only consider the technical standard of the photos, but also their aesthetic flow and originality.

Photographers can receive advice on the the selection of images at RPS Assessment Days, which make use of the 'master class' format to provide feedback on up to 20 images that will be selected into a panel of 10. I attended one of these Assessment Days three months prior to my submission, which was instrumental in helping me select 10 images that would comprise my print submission. The judges encouraged me to use the exact same aperture to increase the cohesion of the panel. 

The end result was an eclectic cross-section of my 'portfolio', with images chosen on the basis of their colour and shape. For me it's all about the palette, so I selected photos with complimentary colours (blue and orange) and a strong graphic quality.

It was a proud moment for me when the judges assessed my panel with adjectives that included  'stunning' 'artistic' and 'accomplished'. The judges also complimented me on how subjects as diverse as my iceberg and seal balanced each other on each end of the hanging plan. In the end, the RPS asked if they could keep my panel so that they could use it as an example of a highly successful panel on future assessment days. 

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